Application of sugarcane bagasse ash in mortars: systematic literature review
systematic literature review
Ash, Bagasse, Sugarcane, MortarResumo
To reduce the environmental impacts of civil construction and agro-industry, the sustainable development of construction materials through the reuse of sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) is a topic of scientific evaluation. This research aims to conduct a systematic literature review on the use of SCBA in mortars, a material widely used in various building stages. The three evaluation phases guided the research method: bibliometric research, scientometric analysis, and systematic analysis. It was possible to consider in 75 publications that the main topics addressed in the scientific community on the research topic consist of: in the verification of the pozzolanic activity, the SCBA performance as an alkali-activated material, And the evaluation of the behavior of general mortar properties with the partial substitution of Portland cement or fine aggregate for SCBA. To direct future works, in the publications of the period studied, in general, the authors used the cement replacement range of 10 to 20% for SCBA to guarantee the equivalence of compressive strength in mortars. In addition, they showed improvements in their durability thanks to the filler effect given by the ash, demonstrating the potential of using this residue sustainably, even indicating the possibility of reducing CO2 emissions by reducing the production of Portland cement.
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