Digital in the design of safe “places”

case study of a plataform to support victims in cases of bullying in the school environment




Bullying, Digital Communication, Digital Design


In the current context of globalization and constant evolution of the role of the internet in the relationships between parties, the practice of cyberbullying has increased, gaining predominance in society and in school culture. The present investigation studies the development of the Nook digital platform, which proposes to help possible victims in the school environment, building a safe atmosphere for victims and whistleblowers, and also providing psychological support by professionals. The project was developed within the scope of research and according to methodologies of Design Thinking, UX / UI Design, UCD and SUS adapted from John Brooke. Thus, the digital can be used by all educational actors in order to allow accessibility and speed through efficient platforms designed to combat the problem.

Author Biography

Jorge Pereira, IPCA ID+

Jorge Brandão Pereira (Professor Adjunto) é diretor da Escola Superior de Design (ESD) do Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave (IPCA) e Presidente do Conselho Técnico-científico da ESD-IPCA. Doutorado em Media Digitais ¿ variante Indústrias, Públicos e Mercados, Universidade do Porto (2015), integrado no programa UT Austin-Portugal. Investigador do ID+ Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura, grupos Unexpected Media Lab e CAOS. Research Coordinator no projeto 'The Mediated City' (AMPS ¿ Architecture, Media, Politics and Society) e Vice-President for Design Ethics da United Designs Alliance. Membro da ATIPO


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How to Cite

Guimarães, B., & Pereira, J. (2023). Digital in the design of safe “places” : case study of a plataform to support victims in cases of bullying in the school environment. Convergências: Estudos Em Humanidades Digitais, 1(03), 227–254.



Anais do I Congresso Internacional de Humanidades Digitais, Cultura e Ensino, juntamente com o II Simpósio Nacional de Mídias, Tecnologias e História