Não se aplica. Digital technology, media and societies’s relations under the perspective of the System’s Theory of Niklas Luhmann





Systems’ Theory. Niklas Luhmann. Digital Rights. E-society.


The presented article main objective is to analyze the technology, media and society under the perspective of the General Theory of the Systems, developed from the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann (1927-1998). The epicenter of this rehearsal, under the light of the theory that was mentioned before, resides in the following indexation: how the nuances of the “real” society mirror themselves on the virtual one, keeping in mind the interactions between their systems. Therefore, we based in the methods Deductive and Inductive (MEZARROBA; MONTEIRO, 2009), then adopting the theory of the systems like a perspective of analyses, a fundament, to evidenciate the referred relation of “mirroring” between both society, as such, the interactions in both systems. On beforehand, it should be noted, that’s not a simple relation of mirroring, as we will clearly expose.





Author Biographies

Eva Cristina Franco Santos, Ilacrimcs, Omis e Franco Santos Escritório de Advocacia



Danton Ivan Einhardt, Centro Universitário Católica do Tocantins

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupela E.E.E.M Alfredo Ferreira Rodrigues(2020)

Beatriz Kamylle de Lima Andrade, Centro Universitário Católica do Tocantins







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How to Cite

Franco Santos, E. C., Einhardt, D. I., & de Lima Andrade, B. K. (2023). Não se aplica. Digital technology, media and societies’s relations under the perspective of the System’s Theory of Niklas Luhmann. Convergências: Estudos Em Humanidades Digitais, 1(03), 359–375. https://doi.org/10.59616/cehd.v1i03.321



Anais do I Congresso Internacional de Humanidades Digitais, Cultura e Ensino, juntamente com o II Simpósio Nacional de Mídias, Tecnologias e História