The pedagogical potential of the videogame Assassin’s Creed Origins in history degree course

a case study in Portuguese university education


  • Francisco Manuel Dias Nabais Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Sara Marisa da Graça Dias do Carmo Trindade Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto



Video games. Game-based learning. Higher Education. History. Portugal.


This article presents a pedagogical strategy for game-based learning using the video game Assassin’s Creed Origins in History courses in Portugal. It considers the pertinence of this topic to the field of Digital Humanities, particularly in the teaching of History, given the motivational and recreational potential of historical content. As this is an ongoing study since 2020, we present the activities carried out and the perceptions of the students and teachers involved, which were closely aligned with the few studies already developed in this field, namely recognising the advantages in the construction of historical knowledge, but also some limitations, particularly with regard to digital competence of the integration of these resources in an educational environment.

Author Biographies

Francisco Manuel Dias Nabais, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Possui graduação em História pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa(2023). Tem experiência na área de História, com ênfase em Curadoria e Humanidades Digitais. 

Sara Marisa da Graça Dias do Carmo Trindade, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto

Sara Dias-Trindade: PhD in History and in Education Sciences and a post-doctorate in Education and Communication Technologies from the University of Coimbra and teacher at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto where she is the director of the Master¿s degree in History Teaching. She is an integrated researcher at CITCEM. In 2023 she coordinated the Educational Policies and Organisations and Educational Dynamics Group at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, having been part of the centre's scientific coordination team between 2017 and 2022. In recent years she has also coordinated several teacher training courses in digital environments, first at the University of Coimbra, where she was a teacher until 2022, and currently at the University of Porto. Her areas of interest and research are Didactics, Teacher Training, Educational Technologies and Cinema in Education. Among the research projects in which she has participated, the following stand out: co-PI of ¿iDanha. New links, new creative historical readings¿, funded by La Caixa Foundation (2023-2025), PI of "Digital Competences of Portuguese Teachers" (2018-2022), PI of "Northern Lusitanian cities in 3D learning scenarios" (2023) and the European Commission funded project ¿A necessary past: remembering solidarity and resistance against authoritarianism in Europe¿. She has participated in various national and international publications and has been a guest speaker, both in Portugal and abroad, in these same areas. She has published dozens of articles in indexed journals, book chapters and books, most notably "History, technologies and mobile learning: teaching history in the digital age" and "Digital education for curriculum development and the acquisition of transversal competences".


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How to Cite

Nabais, F. M. D., & Trindade, S. M. da G. D. do C. (2024). The pedagogical potential of the videogame Assassin’s Creed Origins in history degree course: a case study in Portuguese university education. Convergências: Estudos Em Humanidades Digitais, 1(5), 335–356.