the denial of diversities in the State, the possibilities in the Brazilian constitutional process of 1988, and the alternative based on the new Latin American democratic constitutionalism




Law, State, Interculturality


The issue of cultural diversity presents itself as central to the scientific field since the recognition of the processes of colonization and decolonization, which demand from Latin American states the task of building ways to ensure democratic coexistence between different cultures, seeking integration among them without altering their diversity. In this sense, this paper aims to discuss what would be the alternatives that make the recognition imposed by these collectivities effective, thus identifying what would be the possibilities for the construction of a State in which the notion of interculturality fits, or, recognizing law as an arm of the State in the regulation of social and cultural relations, of an interculturality that fits in the Law.


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How to Cite

Martins Lemes, J. V., & Fernandes Silva, J. A. (2023). INTERCULTURALITY FITS INTO THE LAW? the denial of diversities in the State, the possibilities in the Brazilian constitutional process of 1988, and the alternative based on the new Latin American democratic constitutionalism. Convergências: Estudos Em Humanidades Digitais, 1(02), 30–45.