Anti-racist education and the ethical-political commitment of education:

there is no skin-colored pencil




Anti-racist Education, Afro-Brazilian Culture, Pedagogical Project, Education, Classroom


This article is the result of reflections produced from a pedagogical project, carried out in an interdisciplinary way, along with classes of the 6th year of elementary school of a public school located in Pernambuco Agreste, entitled: “This pencil does not represent me”. The pedagogical project aimed to reaffirm the importance of the application of Law 10.639/2003 as a fundamental tool in combating racism in the school space. It was experienced for a week, with exhibition classes and the display of the short film “Dudu and the Skin Color Pencil”, which was the main piece for the development of the proposed theme. Such understanding and practice are important instruments for strengthening the self -esteem of black or black students, who recognize themselves in these contexts and approaches.

Author Biographies

José Luiz Xavier Filho, Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE)

Degree in History from the University of Pernambuco, UPE / Campus Garanhuns (2012), graduating in Sociology at the Venda Nova do Imigrante College, UNIFAVENI (2021-). Specialist in Afro-Brazilian History and Culture at the Pedagogical Institute of Minas Gerais, IPEMIG (2020) and in History Teaching at the Venda Nova do Imigrante College, UNIFAVENI (2020), mastering in African Cultures, Diaspora, and Indigenous People at the University of Pernambuco, UPE (2021-). Student in the research group ITESI (Interdisciplinary Itineraries in Studies on the Imaginary, Languages and Cultures)and in the NEAB research group (Nucleus for Studies on Africa and Brazil) both from the University of Pernambuco (UPE). He is currently professor of History of the effective staff of the municipal school system in the municipality of Lagoa dos Gatos - PE. He has experience in the area of History and Education, with an emphasis on History Teaching, History of Brazil and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, acting mainly on the following themes: Anti-racist Education, Religions of African Matrix, Imaginary, Orality, Oral History, Identity, Memory and Quilombo.

Érika de Sousa Mendonça , Universidade de Perbambuco (UPE)

Graduate at Psicologia from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2003) and master's at Psychology from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2008). Has experience in Psychology, focusing on Social Psychology, acting on the following subjects: Gender, service services and violence.


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How to Cite

Xavier Filho, J. L., & Mendonça , Érika de S. (2023). Anti-racist education and the ethical-political commitment of education: : there is no skin-colored pencil. Convergências: Estudos Em Humanidades Digitais, 1(02), 129–145.