Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War (2020) – The defense of the “free world” against Soviet socialism
Guerra Fria, jogos eletronicos, RepresentaçãoAbstract
This article seeks to discuss how electronic games can represent historical contexts, considering their expansion from the 1960s and 1970s in the United States of America. The aim is to analyze media and audiovisual productions in electronic games from the Call of Duty franchise, specifically Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War, produced by Raven Software and Treyarch and released in 2020. To this end, we understand the importance of political history and cultural history in order to carry out this analysis, seeking to understand how such representations are made and their intentions, since it is a representation of something from the past. The Cold War (1947 - 1991) was a period marked by global tension between the two great powers, on the one hand the Americans (capitalist) and the other the Soviets (socialist) and the search for the consecration of their respective political systems. Considering the consumption of consoles and electronic games, it is essential to address and analyze the representations of this historical period in the media and what their intentions are.
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