Implications of surveillance capitalism in the constitution of the subject
Surveillance capitalism, Subjectivity, Constitution of the subject, Power and social control, Digital dataAbstract
The digital architecture conceives models of sociability and individuality in the physical and online world. In this respect, the aim of this work is to discuss the big tech’s scenarios from the Silicon Valley, European Union and China, that develop technologies based on their own ideological interests, in a movement defined by Shoshana Zuboff (2019) as ‘Surveillance capitalism’. In order to accomplish this, we will use Bauman and Lyon's (2013) concept of the ban-optic to analyze how the materialization of these relationships produces implications for the foundation of the subject, constituting them as saleable commodities within this ecosystem, making them objects for the extraction of raw materials. In this context, it is essential to reconsider the disconnected perspectives of the self, as well as to value thinking about who we are and what we have become today.
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