Race, ethnicity and multiculturalism: technology and debate as a means objects for teaching ethnic-racial relations in the public school system and the use of collages to publicize the fight against racism
Education, Technology, Digital Anthropology, Race, CollageAbstract
The teaching of ethnic-racial relations has often encountered adversities in its approach in the classroom, often as a result of teachers' lack of knowledge on the subject or the teaching curriculum proposed by public educational institutions in Brazil. Given that the topic is linked to the daily lives of black folks students, who are the majority in public primary and secondary schools, this work is a project focusing on ethnic-racial relations that used workshops from a digital anthropology perspective, incorporating digital tools such as collage to teach high school classes in the public school system of Pernambuco, at the Lucilo Ávila Pessoa State Technical School, located in the city of Recife.
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