Histories and memories of teaching: a site for (re)count the training of mathematics teachers at UFES/CEUNES
History of Mathematics, Education, Didactics, UFES/CEUNES, Educational ProductAbstract
This article presents the results of a research that investigated the history of the Didactics discipline at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES/CEUNES) between the 1960s and 2002. The main objective of the research was to build a digital Educational Product that would document and disseminate this knowledge, contributing to the valorization of Didactics and the training of teachers. To this end, historical documents were analyzed, interviews were conducted with former professors, and a website with interactive resources was developed. The methodology used combined documentary analysis with a narrative approach, allowing for a deep understanding of the transformations of the discipline over time. The research results highlight the importance of Didactics in teacher training and the need to preserve institutional memory. The developed Educational Product, in addition to being a valuable resource for the academic community, demonstrates the potential of digital technologies in knowledge construction and learning promotion.
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