He is the Law
Anti-communism and Nuclear War in the Stories of Judge Dredd (1978-1982)
Judge Dredd. Cold War. Comic Books. Nuclear War. Science Fiction.Abstract
Known as judge, jury and executioner, Judge Dredd is one of the UK's most famous comic book characters. Created by John Wagner and drawn by Carlos Ezquerra, he was conceived as an authoritarian satire on the Conservative Party's rhetoric against crime in the late 1970s and early 1980s. However, we focused on the representation of Cold War antagonisms. As a result of a master’s research, we analyzed comics and strips of this character between 1977 to 1991. We found representations made by the authors from the period of the resumption of the nuclear race and arms race by the United States and the Soviet Union. We identified elements that showed this dichotomy, such as the representation of a soviet megalopolis, as well as the anti-communist paranoia and a nuclear war.
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