Biomedia in health: information account tool for electronic cigarettes
Biomedia in health: information account tool for electronic cigarettes
BIOmedia, Health, Electronic Cigarette, Digital Social MediaAbstract
The challenge is the circulation of information and/or disinformation. To this end, the objective of this article was to synthesize content about electronic cigarettes related to digital social media to promote better understanding by the population, in addition to providing counter-information to “BIOmedia”. Methodologically, it was an integrative literature review, developed in six stages. We present the possible social impact of counter-information for electronic cigarettes, which digital social media leaves traces without the slightest control of scientific information about health. “BIOmedias” are once again competing for content on the networks. It was clear that counter-information via “BIOmedia” for electronic cigarettes needs to be improved and reach the recommendation system to prevent the spread of false health information, thus allowing critical reflection on any and all health publications.
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