Possible territories for a meaningful pedagogy: the case of heritage education





Educação, História, Identidade, Memória, Patrimônio


Over the years, the emergence of territories has been observed, not only by the geographical political division, but of cultural, ethnic, and even being differentiated/segregated/rivaled among them in our society. Ancient Eurocentric theories saw, in the last century, the need to explain factors of social, economic, and cultural problems. Therefore, what we have today is the possibility of proposing new paths that open paths for dialogue between this diversity. Thus, it is necessary to conjugate, as a pedagogy – which we here call the "wanderer" – that can dialogue with these parts, which are often placed at the edge of social relations. To this end, the city is understood not only as a geographical and political place, but rather as a field of social exchanges and cultural relations. Still in this track, we consider cultural studies, so that we can understand culture and identity in a way that dialogues with the subjects, from their symbols, values, to the meanings they attribute in their journeys and trajectories. It is understood, therefore, the possibility of establishing bridges between these multiple and plural identities, just as the cultures themselves come to talk among themselves and with others, building social relations in the search for the common goal, that is, listening and dialogue within society.

Author Biographies

Fernando Souto Dias Neto, UFSM

Graduado em História pela UFN (2009) e em Sociologia pela UAB/UFSM (2021). É especialista em Pedagogia da Arte pela UFRGS (2011) e em Gestão Educacional pela UFSM (2021). Possui mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação pela UNISINOS (2013), onde foi bolsista CAPES/Prosup. Desde então atua na docência em história, e concentra suas pesquisas na área de fontes visuais e pós-estruturalismo.

Carine Medianeira Buss Flores Dias, UFSM

Sou Pedagoga formada pela UFSM desde 2018, e possuo especialização em Neuroaprendizagem e Práticas Pedagógicas pela UNOPAR (2019). Trabalhei em Escolas de Educação Infantil da Rede Privada entre 2018 e 2019. Atualmente sou estudante de Educação Especial da UNIFACVEST e Professora da Rede Municipal de Itaara na Educação Infantil.


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How to Cite

Souto Dias Neto, F., & Dias, C. M. B. F. (2023). Possible territories for a meaningful pedagogy: the case of heritage education . Convergências: Estudos Em Humanidades Digitais, 1(03), 546–560. https://doi.org/10.59616/cehd.v1i03.314



Anais do I Congresso Internacional de Humanidades Digitais, Cultura e Ensino, juntamente com o II Simpósio Nacional de Mídias, Tecnologias e História